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Evidence Base

1334 results

2013 Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Tablet study UGent

Engl. transl.: Tablet study UGent

2013 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: VUB-IWT study on the impact of sleep behavior on sleep/wake patterns and daytime functioning

Engl. transl.: VUB-IWT study on the impact of sleep behavior on sleep/wake patterns and daytime functioning.

2014 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: L-DIGITEENS-study

Engl. transl.: L-DIGITEENS-study

2017 Local Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: UA study Social sharing of emotions

Engl. transl.: UA study Social sharing of emotions

2015 Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Orig. title: UGent Study parental involvement and risky behavior

Engl. transl.: UGent Study parental involvement and risky behavior

2018 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: KUL New Media Study

Engl. transl.: KUL New Media Study

2013 Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Orig. title: UCL Test d’utilisabilité sites jeunes

Engl. transl.: UCL usability test websites for young people

2017 Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Etude quantitative et qualitative relative à problématique de la violence dans les relations amoureuses, la consommation de la pornographie et des cyberviolences à caractère sexiste et sexuel chez les jeunes (12-21 ans)

Engl. transl.: Quantitraive and qualitaive study on cyberviolence, pornography and romantic relationships

2017 Multinational Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: Analyse critique du discours sur cyberintimidation

Engl. transl.: Critical discourse analysis of cyberintimidation

2016 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Early gambling behavior

Engl. transl.: Early gambling behavior