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Evidence Base

1334 results

2015 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Cyberrelationeel geweld bij adolescenten: Op zoek naar de sociale, relationele en individuele antecedenten

Engl. transl.: Cyber dating abuse among adolescents: Unraveling its social, relational and individual antecedents

2017 Multinational Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Intercultural Study Project ISP

Engl. transl.: Intercultural Study Project ISP

2015 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: KUL survey Game use and engagement

Engl. transl.: KUL survey Game use and engagement

Not reported Multinational Empirical research – Qualitative

Conversations on creativity and communication

Not reported National Systematic review / Meta-analysis

Orig. title: Digitaliseringen i skolan: möjligheter och utmaningar

Engl. transl.: Digitalization in school: Possibilities and challenges

2013 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Unos Uno

Engl. transl.: Unos uno

Not reported Other Systematic review / Meta-analysis

The taste for news: Class shaping young people’s news use in Sweden

Not reported Other Other

Orig. title: Delad glädje är dubbel glädje: därför bör läraren dela med sig av sitt material

Engl. transl.: Shared joy is a double joy: Why teachers should openly share their educational materials

Not reported Other Other

Voicing young people’s perspectives: Media influencing as a form of collaboration between youth organisations and the professional media

2016 National Systematic review / Meta-analysis

What is the ‘problem’ that digital competence in Swedish teacher education is meant to solve?