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Evidence Base

1334 results

Not reported Local Empirical research – Quantitative

The pedagogical aspects of using multimedia presentations in the classroom – case study Serbia

2020 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: SIC-Spain- Universidad Complutense de Madrid & Universidad de Salamanca

Engl. transl.: SIC-Spain- University Complutense of Madrid & University of Salamanca

2012 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Validation of the new scale for measuring behaviors of Facebook users: Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook Use (PSAFU)

Engl. transl.: Validation of the new scale for measuring behaviors of Facebook users: Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook Use (PSAFU)

2016 Multinational Empirical research – Mixed methods

Global Kids Online

2016 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Didaktické prostriedky uľahčujúce implementáciu vybraných prierezových tém do vyučovania etickej výchovy na druhom stupni ZŠ

Engl. transl.: APVV project No. 14-0176 Didactic Means for Easier Implementation of Chosen Cross-section Themes into Ethical Education in Second Level Education at Primary Schools.

2013 Local Empirical research – Qualitative

MiX-ICON project

2017 Multinational Other

Orig. title: Een kinderrechten-perspectief op privacy en databescherming in het digitale tijdperk

Engl. transl.: A children’s rights perspective on privacy and data protection in the digital age

2019 Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Orig. title: Keeping Up with the #Instafamous: Een experimenteel onderzoek naar hoe influencer marketing jonge consumenten beïnvloedt.

Engl. transl.: Keeping Up with the #Instafamous: an experimental research on the impact of influencer marketing on young consumers

2019 Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Orig. title: Hoe kleuters YouTube videoreclame kunnen weerstaan: een empirische benadering om de uitdagingen van YouTube reclame voor kleuters te achterhalen

Engl. transl.: How Preschool Children can Resist YouTube Video Advertising: An Empirical Approach to Uncover the challenges YouTube Advertising Pose for Preschool Children

2017 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: WhatsApp, Instagram und Co. – so süchtig macht Social Media

Engl. transl.: WhatsApp, Instagram and Co. - social media is so addictive