1770 results
Orig. title: Digitale Medien in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Medienerzieherisches Handeln und Erziehungspartnerschaft. Perspektiven des pädagogischen Personals. Zweiter Bericht der Teilstudie „Mobile Medien und Internet im Kindesalter – Fokus Kindertageseinrichtungen“
Engl. transl.: Digital Media in Child Daycare Facilities: Media Education and Educational Partnership. Perspectives of the pedagogical staff. Second report of the sub-study "Mobile media and internet in childhood – Focus on child daycare facilities"
Parents’ Psychopathology Promotes the Adoption of Ineffective Pornography-Related Parenting Mediation Strategies
Are adolescents who consume pornography different from those who engaged in online sexual activities?
Family environment and problematic internet use among adolescents: The mediating roles of depression and Fear of Missing Out
Patterns of online seeking and providing help among adolescents: a preliminary study
Аlways with them: smartphone use by children, adolescents, and young adults—characteristics, habits of use, sharing, and satisfaction of needs
Multitasking . Task switching . Adolescent behavior . Digital technology. Attention
Social capital in high-schools: teacher-student relationships within an online social network and their association with in-class interactions and learning
Feelings of belonging or alienation and social emotional perceptions of immigrant youths in the digital age, in comparison with native-born youths
OMG, R U OK? Therapeutic Relationships between Caregivers and Youth at Risk on Social Media