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Evidence Base

1770 results

2020 Pereira Dias de Castro T., Ponte C. Book chapter

“Be Careful with Whom You Speak to on the Internet”—Framing Anxiety in Parental Mediation, Through Children’s Perspectives in Portugal

2020 Izrael P., Holdoš J., Ďurka R. et. al. Other

Orig. title: Slovenské deti a dospievajúci na internete. Záverečná správa z EU Kids Online IV - Slovenská Republika

Engl. transl.: Slovak children and adolescents on the internet. The final EU Kids Online report - Slovak Republik

2015 Tsaliki L. Journal article

Popular culture and moral panics about ‘children at risk’: revisiting the sexualisation-of-young-girls debate

2015 Nikolopoulou K., Gialamas V. Journal article

ICT and play in preschool: early childhood teachers’ beliefs and confidence

2015 Exarchou E., Klonarı A., Lambrınos N. Journal article

Using a Social Web 2.0 Tool in Geography and Environmental Research Project: A Content Analysis of Greek High School Students’ Learning Exchanges

2018 Neofotistos V., Karavakou V. Journal article

Factors Influencing the Use of ICT in Greek Primary Education

2021 Pereira S., Fillol J., Moura P. Book chapter

Teens' online and offline lives - How are they experiencing their sociability

2020 Izrael P. , Karasová M. , Yang M.M. Journal article

Orig. title: Mediálne návyky a kompetencie detí v ranom detstve a mladšom školskom veku

Engl. transl.: Parental Mediation of Digital Media Use Among Children Aged 3–8 from the Perspective of Parents’ Media Competence

2016 Wagner U., Eggert S., Schubert G. Report and working paper

Orig. title: MoFam – Mobile Medien in der Familie. Langfassung der Studie

Engl. transl.: MoFam – Mobile media in the family. Long version of the study

2014 Ševčíková A., Blinka L., Černá A. et. al. Book

Orig. title: Děti a dospívající online: Vybraná rizika používání internetu

Engl. transl.: Children and adolescents: Selected risks of internet use