1770 results
“Be Careful with Whom You Speak to on the Internet”—Framing Anxiety in Parental Mediation, Through Children’s Perspectives in Portugal
Orig. title: Slovenské deti a dospievajúci na internete. Záverečná správa z EU Kids Online IV - Slovenská Republika
Engl. transl.: Slovak children and adolescents on the internet. The final EU Kids Online report - Slovak Republik
Popular culture and moral panics about ‘children at risk’: revisiting the sexualisation-of-young-girls debate
ICT and play in preschool: early childhood teachers’ beliefs and confidence
Using a Social Web 2.0 Tool in Geography and Environmental Research Project: A Content Analysis of Greek High School Students’ Learning Exchanges
Factors Influencing the Use of ICT in Greek Primary Education
Teens' online and offline lives - How are they experiencing their sociability
Orig. title: Mediálne návyky a kompetencie detí v ranom detstve a mladšom školskom veku
Engl. transl.: Parental Mediation of Digital Media Use Among Children Aged 3–8 from the Perspective of Parents’ Media Competence
Orig. title: MoFam – Mobile Medien in der Familie. Langfassung der Studie
Engl. transl.: MoFam – Mobile media in the family. Long version of the study
Orig. title: Děti a dospívající online: Vybraná rizika používání internetu
Engl. transl.: Children and adolescents: Selected risks of internet use