1770 results
Orig. title: Národní výzkum kyberšikany učitelů 2016 - výzkumná zpráva (krátká verze)
Engl. transl.: National Cyberbullying Research of Czech teachers- Short Report
The impact of digital skills on educational outcomes: evidence from performance tests
“Mom, dad, look at me”: The development of the Parental Phubbing Scale
Exploration of virtual body-representation in adolescence: the role of age and sex in avatar customization
Beyond media stereotyping. Media education as an opportunity to disclose everyday discrimination
Orig. title: Le digital soft skills nelle Regioni del Sud: una ricerca empirica sugli studenti
Engl. transl.: Digital soft skills in Southern Regions: an empirical research on students
Media(ting) Between Generations: Common Sense and Perceptions of New Media by Young People and Teachers
Digital Competencies and Capabilities. Pre-adolescents Inside and Outside School
Orig. title: Adolescenti e rischi di Internet: la competenza digitale non basta
Engl. transl.: Teens and Internet risks: digital skills are not enough
Correlates of Problematic Internet Use among college and university students in eight countries: An international cross-sectional study