1770 results
Webwise 2017 Parenting Survey
Bullying and cyberbullying studies in the school-aged population on the island of Ireland: A meta-analysis
NetChildren Go Mobile: Full findings from Ireland
Parental mediation and the internet: findings of NET children go mobile for parents' mediation strategies in Ireland
Orig. title: Цифровите умения и киберзависимостта на децата в началното училище
Engl. transl.: Digital skills and the cyber addiction at primary school
Orig. title: Dall'esclusione digitale al sovrautilizzo: origini sociali, pervasività dello smartphone e rendimenti scolastici
Engl. transl.: From digital exclusion to overuse: social background, smartphone pervasiveness, and school performance
Factors Affecting Students' Acceptance of Tablet PCs: A Study in Italian High Schools
Orig. title: Гледната точка на учители и родители относно киберзависимостта сред учениците – сравнителен анализ
Engl. transl.: Parents’ and teachers’ point of view about cyber аddiction аmong children. Comparative analysis
Students' acceptance of tablet PCs in Italian high schools: Profiles and differences
Cyberbullying, conflict management or just messing? Teenage girls’ understandings and experiences of gender, friendship, and conflict on Facebook in an Irish second-level school