1770 results
Orig. title: Онлайн поведение на децата в България: рискове и вреди
Engl. transl.: Online experiences of children in Bulgaria: risks and safety
Innovative Teaching and Digital Literacy in Preschool. App Content Analysis and Experimental Case Studies in a Sociological Perspective
Access and use, risks and opportunities of the internet for Italian children. Preliminary findings
Orig. title: Affrontare il sovra-utilizzo dello smartphone attraverso la media education. Un esperimento controllato
Engl. transl.: How to tackle smartphone Overuse through media Education. A randomized Controlled trial
Orig. title: Il cyberbullismo nella percezione di genitori, figli e insegnant
Engl. transl.: Parents, children, and teachers' perception of cyberbullying
Moral Disengagement and Risk Prototypes in the Context of Adolescent Cyberbullying: Findings From Two Countries
GLOBAL KIDS ONLINE Research synthesis 2015-2016
Orig. title: Raport z badania Nastolatki 3.0
Engl. transl.: Research report Teenagers 3.0
Orig. title: Дигитално грамотни ли са родените в дигиталната епоха деца?
Engl. transl.: Are Digital Natives Digitally Literate?