1334 results
Sociodemographic Correlates of Parental Co-Participation in Digital Media Use and Physical Play of Preschool-Age Children
Children’s Peer Interaction While Playing the Digital Emotion Detectives Game
Orig. title: Proaktivno ponašanje mladih kao osnova društvenog integriteta i prosperita
Engl. transl.: Proactive behavior of young people as a basis of social integrity and prosperity
CATCH-EyoU (Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth)
Orig. title: Proaktivno ponašanje mladih kao osnova društvenog integriteta i prosperita
Engl. transl.: Proactive behavior of young people as a basis of social integrity and prosperity
Orig. title: Kiusamine koolis
Engl. transl.: Bullying at School
Development of Children’s Cyber Security Competencies in Estonia
Orig. title: Lapsevanemate hinnangud juhendamisstrateegiatele puutetundliku ekraani kasutamisel väikelapseeas
Engl. transl.: Parents’ opinions on parental mediation strategies used to instruct toddlers
Orig. title: Nutikad tehnoloogiad ja digitaalne kirjaoskus õppimiskäsituse muutmisel
Engl. transl.: Smart technologies and digital literacy in promoting a change of learning
The imagined audience on Facebook: Analysis of Estonian teen sketches about typical Facebook users