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Evidence Base

1334 results

Not reported National Empirical research – Qualitative

What do older people learn from young people? Intergenerational learning in ‘day centre’ community settings in Malta

Not reported Multinational Empirical research – Mixed methods

Teachers’ dispositions towards the role of digital devices in play-based pedagogy in early childhood education

2015 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Problematic Internet Use in Malta Amongst Young People Aged Between 18-30 Years: A Quantitative Study

2021 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Медиите, родителите и развитието на децата – допитване до родители

Engl. transl.: Media, parents and children's media and information literacy development

2015 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Children's Internet Use and Parents' Perceptions of their Children's Online Experience

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Rodzice "Nastolatków 3.0"

Engl. transl.: The parents of "Teenagers 3.0"

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Nastolatki 3.0 (2019)

Engl. transl.: Teenagers 3.0 (2019)

2015 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Konstrukcja i walidacja narzędzia kwestionariuszowego do pomiaru rozpowszechnienia hazardu problemowego i patologicznego (w tym online) wśród adolescentów oraz podręcznika metodycznego do jego stosowania

Engl. transl.: Construction and validation of a questionnaire tool to measure the prevalence of problem and pathological gambling (including online) among adolescents

Not reported Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Red de Investigación interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud mental y bienestar EMocional en los jóvenes

Engl. transl.: Interdisciplinary Research Network for the PROmotion of mental health and wellness EMocional in young people

2018 Other Systematic review / Meta-analysis

Orig. title: Usos problemáticos de Internet y depresión en adolescentes: Meta-análisis

Engl. transl.: Problematic Internet uses and depression in adolescents: A meta-analysis