1334 results
Orig. title: Å kle seg ut i tekst - Barns tekstproduksjon på Snapchat
Engl. transl.: Dressing up with text - Children's text production in Snapchat
Norwegian children's perceptions of effectiveness of social media companies' cyberbullying policies
Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework
Framework plan for kindergartens
Training parents for detecting and preventing risks on Social Networks and Internet
Television food advertising to children in Malta
Orig. title: Превенция на кибертормоза в училищна среда
Engl. transl.: Prevention of cyberbullying in the school environment
The Internet of Toys
The Webwise 2017 Parenting Survey
Orig. title: Гледната точка на учители и родители относно киберзависимостта сред учениците – сравнителен анализ
Engl. transl.: Parents’ and teachers’ point of view about cyber аddiction аmong children. Comparative analysis