1334 results
Physical activity, screen time and obesity status in a nationally representative sample of Maltese youth with international comparisons
Objectively assessed physical activity and weight status in Maltese 11-12 year-olds
Internet Safety Helplines: Exploratory Study First Findings
Media representations and children’s discourses on online risks: Findings from qualitative research in nine European countries
Orig. title: Prevención de la Violencia Interpersonal en la Adolescencia: una Nueva Generación de Intervenciones Basadas en la Evidencia (PSI2017-86723-R)
Engl. transl.: Preventing Interpersonal Violence in Adolescence: A New Generation of Evidence-based Interventions (PSI2017-86723-R)
Not Just Offenders: Youth as victims of crime
The influence of animated cartoons on primary children's views of social reality: an ethnographic study in a Maltese primary school
Orig. title: Дистанционното обучение и уменията по медийна грамотност
Engl. transl.: Distance learning and media literacy skills
Orig. title: Uso desadaptativo de las TIC en adolescentes- EDU2015-65621-C3-2-R (BES-2016- 078837)
Engl. transl.: Maladaptive use of ICT in adolescence-EDU2015-65621-C3-2-R (BES-2016- 078837)
Orig. title: Eesti teismeliste ootused mikrokuulsuste loodud sisule
Engl. transl.: Authentic and Extraordinary Microcelebrities: Expectations of Young Followers