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Evidence Base

1334 results

2017 National Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: Eesti youtuber'ite eneseesitlus, auditooriumi ja privaatsuse taju

Engl. transl.: Estonian Youtubers' Self-Presentation and Perception of Audience and Privacy

2019 National Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: 9–13-aastaste Eesti noorte vaatamiseelistused YouTube’is ja eetiliselt probleemse sisu tõlgendused

Engl. transl.: YouTube viewing preferences of 9–13-year old Estonians and their interpretations of ethically problematic content

2017 Local Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: Youtuber'ite jälgimise põhjused ja harjumused 15–17 aasta vanuste tüdrukute hulgas

Engl. transl.: Reasons and habits of watching youtubers among girls aged 15–17

2015 National Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Assessing children’s reading comprehension on paper and screen: A mode-effect study

2013 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Status for ytringsfrihet i Norge. Fritt Ords Monitorprosjekt

Engl. transl.: he Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway

2017 Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Propuesta interuniversitaria de formación inicial de maestros en tecnologías digitales

Engl. transl.: An inter-university proposal for the initial training of teachers in digital technologies

Not reported National Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: Компютърните игри и технологии за развитие на креативните умения при децата в предучилищна възраст

Engl. transl.: Computer games and technologies for the development of creative skills in preschool children

Not reported Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Християнско възпитание и дигитални медии͵ резултати от корелационно изследване на деца от начална училищна възраст, изучаващи религия

Engl. transl.: Christian schooling and digital media - research results of a correlation study of children from primary school age studying religion

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Proyecto FONDECYT de Iniciación Nº 11170336: "Los menores como consumidores. Análisis de la publicidad recibida por usuarios de 10 a 14 años a través de dispositivos móviles

Engl. transl.: FONDECYT Initiation No. 11170336 project: “Minors as Consumers. Analysis of the Advertising Received by Users aged 10 to 14 through Mobile Devices

2019 National Systematic review / Meta-analysis

Orig. title: Desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación rápido del juego de adolescentes y jóvenes en Internet PSI2016-75854- P

Engl. transl.: Development of a rapid assessment system for adolescents and young people's gambling on the Internet PSI2016-75854- P