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Evidence Base

1334 results

Not reported Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Are smartphones transforming parent-child everyday life practices? A cross-generational qualitative study comparing parents’ and early adolescents’ representations

2019 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Društvena ‘online’ iskustva i mentalno zdravlje mladih

Engl. transl.: Social ‘online’ experiences and mental health of young people

2019 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Young Italians between cyberbullying and hate speech. A focus on digital communication practices

2020 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Дистанционното обучение по време на кризата с COVID-19. Предизвикателства пред образователната интеграция на учениците от ромската общност

Engl. transl.: Distance learning during the crisis with COVID-19. Challenges for the educational integration of students from the Roma community

2013 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Can Facebook Informational Use Foster Adolescent Civic Engagement?

2019 Multinational Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Youtubers e Instagramers: la competencia mediática en los prosumidores emergentes

Engl. transl.: YouTubers and Instagrammers: Media literacy in emerging prosumers

2019 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: REDCON “Redes sociales, adolescentes y jóvenes: convergencia de medios y cultura digital” (CSO2016-74980-C2-2-R)

Engl. transl.: REDCON "Social networks, teenagers and young people: media convergence and digital culture" (CSO2016-74980-C2-2-R)

2019 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

What are you sexting? Parental practices, sexting attitudes and behaviors among Italian adolescents

2015 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: ICT Teacher Competencies

Engl. transl.: ICT Teacher Competencies

2018 Local Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: «Propuesta de formación en social media literacy: Talleres para y con adolescentes y jóvenes sobre YouTube con una perspectiva de genero inclusiva»

Engl. transl.: "Social media literacy training proposal: Workshops for and with teenagers and young people on YouTube with an inclusive gender perspective".