1334 results
Orig. title: "Let’s talk about Porno" - Aufklärung von Internetpornografie und Sexting im Familienalltag
Engl. transl.: Let’s talk about Porno. A survey and needs assessment for the IPUS Project
Orig. title: Оценка на въздействието на обучението от разстояние в електронна среда или други неприсъствени форми върху ефективността на училищното образование
Engl. transl.: Assessing the impact of distance learning in an electronic environment or other absentee forms on the effectiveness of school education
Media Use by Children, and Parents’ Views on Children's Media Usage
Sociodemographic characteristics of young people using internet cafés
The Relationship between Online Sexual Solicitation and Internet Addiction in Adolescents
Examining the Factors Contributing to Adolescents’ Online Game Addiction
Orig. title: Eesti lasteaiaõpetajate kogemused ja arusaamad laste meediatarbimisest ja meediaharidusest
Engl. transl.: Experiences and understandings of Estonian kindergarten teachers about children's media consumption and media education
Orig. title: Eelkooliealiste laste meediaeelistused
Engl. transl.: Preschool children's media preferences
Orig. title: Lapsevanemate arusaamad laste digitaalse meedia kasutamisest ja vanemlikust vahendamisest
Engl. transl.: Parents' understanding of children’s digital media usage habits and parental mediation