1334 results
Problematic internet use and mental health among British children
Using Digital Sandbox Gaming to Improve Creativity Within Boys’ Writing
Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)
Violent Digital Games, Motivation, Bullying, and Civic Behavior Among Children
Co-Designing Voice User Interfaces with Teenagers in the Context of Smart Homes
A Day in the Digital Lives of Children aged 0–3
Orig. title: Doprinos socijalne samoefikasnosti i nekih sociodemografskih čimbenika u objašnjenju različitih uloga djece u vršnjačkom nasilju
Engl. transl.: Contribution of social self-efficacy and some sociodemographic factors to the different roles of children in peer violence
Cyberbully Identification in a Secondary School in the United Kingdom
Youth Equity + STEM (YESTEM)
Exploring how and why young people use social networking sites