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Evidence Base

1770 results

2015 Smahel D., Wright M., Cernikova M. Journal article

The impact of digital media on health: children’s perspectives

2020 Tsairidis C., Kaltsidou D., Dimitriadis E. Journal article

Parents’ perceptions over the use of New Technologies in Education

2019 Ponte C. Journal article

Challenging online situations reported by Italian and Portuguese children in 2018

2018 Lopes F., Cordovil R., Neto C. Journal article

Independent Mobility and Social Affordances of Places for Urban Neighborhoods: A Youth-Friendly Perspective

2016 Lopes F., Neto C., Madeira R. Conference proceeding

Orig. title: Espacialistas emocionais: a Criança na Cidade

Engl. transl.: Emotional spatialists: the Child in the City (translated by the coder)

2020 Martínez Fernández G., Casado M.Á., Garitaonandia Garnacho C. Journal article

Orig. title: Estrategias online de mediación parental en contextos familiares de España

Engl. transl.: Online parental mediation strategies in family contexts of Spain

2020 Papageorgiou E. Journal article

The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the Emotional Education of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Views of Specialist Educators and Psychologists

2019 Lazarinis F., Alexandri K., Panagiotakopoulos C. et. al. Journal article

Sensitizing young children on internet addiction and online safety risks through storytelling in a mobile application

2017 Izrael P. Journal article

To be on Facebook or not to be: Slovak young people and their use of social networking sites

2020 Garmendia Larrañaga M., Martínez G., Larrañaga Aizpuru N. et. al. Report and working paper

Orig. title: Las familias en la convergencia mediática: competencias, mediación, oportunidades y riesgos online. Resultados de la encuesta EU Kids Online a padres y madres de menores de 9 a 17 años en España. Junio-julio 2019

Engl. transl.: Families in the media convergence: competences, mediation, opportunities and risks online. Results of the EU Kids Online survey of parents of children aged 9-17 in Spain. June-July 2019