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Evidence Base

1334 results

2015 Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: SMART.USE

Engl. transl.: SMART.USE

Not reported Local Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: “Kui ongi tõsi, siis ise süüdi!” Seksuaalvägivallaga seonduvad stereotüübid ühe Eesti laste ja noorte veebifoorumi teemaalgatustes ja vastustes

Engl. transl.: “If it is true, then it is your own fault”: Recurring stereotypes about sexual violence in an Estonian children’s online forum

2018 National Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: „Mingid bikiinides pildid ei ole OK!“ Õpetajate enesepresentatsioon ja interaktsioon sotsiaalmeedias: õpilaste arvamused ja kogemused

Engl. transl.: Bikini pictures are not OK. Teachers’ self-representation and interaction on social media: opinions and experiences of students

2016 Other Empirical research – Qualitative

Mediation practices of parents and older siblings in guiding toddler's touchscreen technology use: an ethnographic case study

2012 National Empirical research – Qualitative

Digital channels in teacher-parent communication: The case of Estonia

2018 Local Empirical research – Qualitative

Compelled To Be an Outsider: How Students on a Social Media Detox Self-construct Their Generation

2014 Local Empirical research – Qualitative

Gendered mediation of children’s internet use: A keyhole for looking into changing socialization practices

Not reported National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Mediálna gramotnosť u žiakov primárneho vzdelávania v kontexte kooperácie rodiny a školy

Engl. transl.: VEGA project No. 1/0913/15: Media literacy of young school-age children in the context of family and school cooperation.

2014 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Parents’ Instrumental use of Media in Childrearing: Relationships with Confidence in Parenting, and Health and Conduct Problems in Children

Not reported Local Empirical research – Qualitative

‘Take it down!’: Estonian parents’ and pre-teens’ opinions and experiences with sharenting