1334 results
Developing scales to measure parental mediation of young children's internet use
Adolescents and handheld advertising: The roles of brand familiarity and smartphone attachment in the processing of mobile advergames
Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention to Empower Children to Cope With Advertising
Processes and effects of targeted online advertising among children
The effects of group centrality and accountability on conformity to cyber aggressive norms: Two messaging app experiments
A social identity perspective on conformity to cyber aggression among early adolescents on WhatsApp
Teenage Crime Fighters on The Internet: a Dutch experiment, commissioned by the Dutch police
Orig. title: Uno studio esplorativo della realtà delle scuole di Roma e Provincia
Engl. transl.: An exploratory study of the reality of schools in Rome and Province
Orig. title: Povezanost igranja nasilnih video-igrica i vršnjačkog nasilja kod adolescenata u Srbiji
Engl. transl.: The correlation between playing violent video games and bullying among adolescents in Serbia
Orig. title: Unapređivanje kvaliteta i dostupnosti obrazovanja u procesima modernizacije Srbije
Engl. transl.: Improving the quality and accessibility of education in the processes of modernization of Serbia