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Evidence Base

1334 results

Not reported National Empirical research – Quantitative

Developing scales to measure parental mediation of young children's internet use

Not reported Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Adolescents and handheld advertising: The roles of brand familiarity and smartphone attachment in the processing of mobile advergames

Not reported Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention to Empower Children to Cope With Advertising

Not reported Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

Processes and effects of targeted online advertising among children

Not reported Local Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention

The effects of group centrality and accountability on conformity to cyber aggressive norms: Two messaging app experiments

Not reported National Empirical research – Quantitative

A social identity perspective on conformity to cyber aggression among early adolescents on WhatsApp

2015 National Empirical research – Qualitative

Teenage Crime Fighters on The Internet: a Dutch experiment, commissioned by the Dutch police

2014 Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Uno studio esplorativo della realtà delle scuole di Roma e Provincia

Engl. transl.: An exploratory study of the reality of schools in Rome and Province

Not reported National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Povezanost igranja nasilnih video-igrica i vršnjačkog nasilja kod adolescenata u Srbiji

Engl. transl.: The correlation between playing violent video games and bullying among adolescents in Serbia

Not reported Local Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: Unapređivanje kvaliteta i dostupnosti obrazovanja u procesima modernizacije Srbije

Engl. transl.: Improving the quality and accessibility of education in the processes of modernization of Serbia