1334 results
Orig. title: Digitala lärmiljöer – likvärdig utbildning med fjärr-och distansundervisning
Engl. transl.: Digital learning environments – equal education through remote and distance teaching
Orig. title: Mediennutzung Jugendlicher in Luxemburg Aktueller Überblick zur Nutzung von Internet und Computerspielen und erste Prävalenzdaten zur dysfunktionalen Nutzung
Engl. transl.: Media use Young people in Luxembourg Current overview of the use of the Internet and and computer games and first prevalence data on dysfunctional use
The Luxem- bourg COVID-Kids questionnaire. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.
Social media and its role in friendship-driven interactions among young people: A mixed methods study
Digital technologies in preschool education: The interplay between interactive whiteboards and teachers' teaching practices
Orig. title: Förutsättningar för elevers textskapande – En studie om digitala resurser, multimodalitet och elevers handlingsmöjligheter
Engl. transl.: Possibilities for students’ participation in text activities in school: A study on digital resources, multimodality, and students' agency
Orig. title: Young People's Sexualized Digital Practices
Engl. transl.: Young People's Sexualized Digital Practices
Camera as Cultural Critique: Trancultural Dialogue in a Digitized World
Digital sexual assault and shame: A participatory writing experiment
Intimacy, social media and youth