1334 results
Makerspaces Across Settings: Didactic Design for Programming in Formal and Informal Teacher Education in the Nordic Countries
Exploring functions and tenable structures for mobile use as support for school tasks
Photographic agency and agency of photographs : Three-year-olds and digital cameras
Agency, Materiality, and Mathematics Learning in a Preschool Classroom
Supporting teachers' orchestration of mobile learning activities
Swedish Primary and Preprimary Student Teachers' Views Of Using Digital Tools in Preprimary Mathematics Education
Digital relational competence: Sensitivity and responsivity to needs of distance and co-located students
Orig. title: EU Kids Online: Schweiz
Engl. transl.: EU Kids Online: Switzerland
Orig. title: Digital Didaktisk Design: Att utveckla undervisning i och för en digitaliserad skola
Engl. transl.: Digital Didactic Design: Developing Teaching Practice with Digital Technology
Young people's conversations about environmental and sustainability issues in social media