1334 results
Students as Producers of Interactive Data Visualizations-Digitally Skilled to Make Their Voices Heard
Commercial-off-the-shelf games in the digital wild and L2 learner vocabulary
Text Universe: A Pedagogical Strategy to Teach Literary Classics
“I Didn’t Understand, I´m Really Not Very Smart”: How Design of a Digital Tutee’s Self-Efficacy Affects Conversation and Student Behavior in a Digital Math Game
Digitalisation of Education: Application and Best Practices
Orig. title: Digitala skrivtavlor - till vad, hur och varför? En studie om den digitala skrivtavlans betydelse för grundskolans digitalisering utifrån ett lärarperspektiv
Engl. transl.: nteractive whiteboards – what for, how and why? A study about the interactive whiteboard and its consequence for the digitalization of compulsory school from a teacher perspective
Orig. title: Uppkopplade klassrum. Nya literacypraktiker bland gymnasielever i de smarta telefonernas tidevarv
Engl. transl.: Connected Classrooms: New literacy practices among upper secondary students in the age of smartphones
School Subject Paradigms and Teaching Practice in the Screen Culture: Art, Music and the Mother Tongue (Swedish) under Pressure
Adequate digital competence: a close reading of the new national strategy for digitalization of the schools in Sweden
A first step towards a model for teachers' adoption of ICT pedagogy in schools