1334 results
Practise what you preach: the Interactive Whiteboard in preschool mathematics education
Disembodied voice and embodied affect: e-reading in early childhood education
Same but different? An examination of Swedish upper secondary school teachers' and students' views and use of ICT in education
Orig. title: Unga läsare som litteraturkritiker online: En (skol)genre på rymmen?
Engl. transl.: Young readers as literature critics online: A (school) genre on the loose?
Teacher Attitudes Toward Game-based Learning in History Education
Orig. title: Digitalt skrivande i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning: en ämnesdidaktisk studie av skrivprocessen
Engl. transl.: Digital writing in the teaching of Swedish at upper secondary school: A study of the writing process in the field of subject didactic
Orig. title: DILS – Digitala arenor i läs- och skrivpraktiker i grundskolans tidigare år
Engl. transl.: Digital Arenas in Literacy Practices in Early Primary School
Design and recognition of multimodal texts: selection of digital tools and modes on the basis of social and material premises?
Orig. title: Digitala lärresurser I matematikundervisningen, delrapport skola: Systematisk översikt 2017:02
Engl. transl.: A systematic overview of digital study resources in mathematics teaching in school: Report 2017:02